Partial listing - please contact us to schedule a trial.
Beginner to intermediate violin, viola or cello outfits, sold with case and bow:
Violins for the advancing player:
C. L. Wynn
German violin labeled "Jacobus Stainer"
Hiroshi Kono, Tokyo 2013
Mao Ningshen, 2000
Yanxin Chen, 2000
Milano Stradivarius model 1925, 2014
Thomas Smith, Lakewood OH 1944
Longgen Chen, 2016
C. Cai Kochanski 1996
Hu Jia Lai, 2005
Y. Chen Z-Series
Y. Chen Maker's Series
Eugen Meinel, Markneukirchen c. 1920
Oskar Meinel
Robert Glier Jr. Artist, Cincinnati 1927
William Peters, Worcester 1889
John Juzek, Master Art c. 1925
Violins for the professional:
Yuri Gusev, 2020
Huining Mao, 2016
S.J. Pique, 2014
Ran Dim, 2014
Kenneth Sullivan,
Damon Gray, Cincinnati 2014
Filippo Protani, 2022
Dmitri Badiarov, 2013
Eugene Holtier, 2018
Andrea Castellani, Cremona, 2004
David Swanson, Raleigh, 2006
Raymond Melanson, 2012
Sebastian Freymadl, Cremona, 2004
Vittorio Villa, Cremona, 2022
Natale Novelli, 1956
Violas for the advancing player
Y. Chen Workshop
Y. Chen Competition
Martin Beck
Yanxin Chen
Roth, 1972
Wilfred Sun, 1999
Gunther Reidel, 2006
Richard Henson, 2009
Ludwig Hoffer, 1935
C. Cai, 1998
VIOLAS for the professional:
Yuri Gusev, 2016
William Lakeberg, 2008
Y. Chen Makers' Series
Cesar Castelli, 1969
Kelvin William Marshall Scott
William Robert Scott, 1994
Andrew Carruthers
Nicolas Gilles, Montpelier 2015
Yuri Gusev, Cleveland 2017
Isabel Wilbaux, Montreal 2017
CELLOS for the advancing player:
Y. Chen Z Series
Y. Chen Workshop models
John Juzek c. 1956
Clement & Weise, Bubenruth 2007
Arnold Opel, Munich 1953
CELLOS for the professional:
Y. Chen Makers' Series
Y. Chen Competition Series
Cello labeled "Joannes Baptista Zanoli 1743"
Karl August Neumarker 1870
Thanh Kim, 2010
Yuri Gusev, Cleveland 2020
Martin Heroux, Ste. Emelie de L'energie 2005
August Olshevy, Chicago 1983
Dan Foster, Blacksburg 2012
This is a sampling of our available instruments. We share inventory with Desert Strings in Las Vegas, NV.
Please contact us at (216)-932-9310 for information on other available instruments or to schedule an appointment.